Used to be that every year this day came around, it gave me pause. Why do we wait for 1 DAY that someone decides we should engage, celebrate and remember our mothers? In my opinion the purpose of US "Holidays" especially this one, are to encourage spending on high priced items that grow family debt and create lots of stress and guilt too. And further more, it teaches our families that it's perfectly acceptable to ONLY acknowledge us on this ONE day. WE ARE MOTHERS EVERYDAY! So I choose not to acknowledge this day. I connect with and celebrate my mommy friends and clients throughout the year! Thankfully, my mother is still with us and I call her, chat and love on her just about everyday; she in NYC me in ATL:-) And we celebrate and send each other gifts and things whenever we want :-) Gratefully, as far as my family is concerned, we were together this past Sunday for Sunday Dinner, and had a fun fabulous time! I so enjoy when we all come together for Sunday Dinner! I did receive a lovely card with a massage gift certificate inside. A very thoughtful gift from my daughter that I WILL be using VERY SOON!
So, HAPPY EVERYDAY IS MOTHER'S DAY my sistah-friends, my sister (Aishah) and my Mother (Khadijah)! You are appreciated for ALL that you do and just for being YOU! I Love You! And for all you busy moms, if you haven't already, make a Special Family Dinner Night every week AND Keep the Mommy Party Going ALL DAY, EVERYDAY! And of course, LOOK and FEEL FABULOUS WHILE YOU DO! WOORK!
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