PEACE and BLESSINGS, LOVE and LIGHT SISTAH-QUEENS! I hope all is well with you and yours! HAPPY SPRING NEW YEAR!!! I am so happy to be back with you in this beautiful season of growth and renewal! Do you see my little babies coming up and coming back in their pots? And how about my second set of locs, unapologetically making their debut! I am so happy to love on all of them and watch them just BE! 

In the meantime, you and I have lot's of catching up to do! I have AFFIRMATIONS, INSPIRATION AND TRANSFORMATION from the last few months to share. I've been experiencing and learning so much. It's powerful! One of the amazing things that I've done is launch My YouTube Channel! Long time coming :-) I had been rescheduling and putting it off since August 2017, when I birthed my new Membership Website, DynamicMomEnterprisesAcademy.com, a year and half labor of love. I'll share that story in an upcoming post. 

My YouTube Channel was one of my 1st Quarter Goals for 2018! I wrote this in my planner to be accomplished- "NO EXCUSES GET IT DONE" in January. Here's the first video that I published to my channel on January 31st, right before midnight with my sun, Hasaan as my accountability partner. He was also with me when I nervously, published my very first blog post to this blog with his hand over mine, clicking publish, in 2009. Enjoy!  


We Are Dynamic Feminine Energy, Love and Light! I Love You Sistah-Queens!

Join me on my new Membership Website DynamicMomEnterprisesAcademy.com 
